The world has gone digital, but do not forget the loopholes it accompanies with itself. The Internet is flooded with many hackers striving to get the user's valuable information and take advantage of it. Most of us visit a website and share personal details and other […]
The world has gone digital, but do not forget the loopholes it accompanies with itself. The Internet is flooded with many hackers striving to get the user’s valuable information and take advantage of it. Most of us visit a website and share personal details and other credentials that help in login in. The hackers can quickly get information on the bank account details, social security numbers, and all the private information.
All these can be prevented by securing the website by performing a good scan and catching any malware present. The Malware Scanning of the website will further help understand and rectify the malware by removing them; and securing the website.
5 Free Websites Malware Scanning Tools are:
Malware is not easy to detect in a website, and this is where the Web Inspector- a Website Checker Tool that helps locate the malware and rectify it. From Comodo, the Web Inspector shall be at the top because it offers a Hacked Website Repair as well as Website Malware Removal.
Moreover, it also provides a free scan to check all the threats and malware. This shows the report on Backdoors, Phishing, Blacklist, Malware Downloads, Worms, Trojans, Heuristic Viruses, and Drive b Downloads. All you need to do is put in the URL of the website, get the detailed analysis report, and take an approach to fix and protect the website from other security checks.
The second on the list of a top and effective tool that provides malware scanning and aims to secure your website. Whether you want to check on the website- WordPress, Bulletin, Drupal, Joomla, and Sharepoint, all these can be easily scanned by this tool. This checker tool provides a detailed purport on malware, suspicious files, backlist statuses, external links, malicious files, clean files, and so on. Also, they offer to remove those malware and threats from your website.
SUCURI has its integrations and comprehensive security tests or features. This website Malware scanning tool helps perform scans of websites based on different platforms- Magento, WordPress, Joomla, and others. SUCURI Website Malware Scanning helps scan the website with information like Defacements, Presence of any Malware, spams if injected, etc.
This website malware scanning tool helps in checking the entire website for anything that flags threat. It is free, and so you may take advantage of it as you want.
We all are aware and trust Google blindly. Thus, it shall not be wrong when it comes to performing a malware scan of a website. This scanning tool shall be at the top of the website scanning and checker list if the website is already infected and has phishing content.
All you need is to put your URL and check whether the website is infected or not. With Google Malware Checker, it is easy and straightforward to get a malware scan without any hassle- copy and paste.
MalCare is one of the website malware scanning tools trusted by more than 20, 000 websites of WordPress. MalCare website malware scanning tool provides malware detection, a complete clean up as well as protection. It checks more than 100 attributes in a website for malware detection, repair, and clean up. With a single click, the tool shall inform you about all the malware, their removal, and their protection.
Before trusting any malware blindly, it is essential to understand that no malware scanning tool can provide you with a 100% efficient and accurate report. However, if you are looking to use a website malware scanning tool, you may contact Integraweb professionals.
They have the best solutions in judging malware on your website and provide a solution for it too. They offer to assure that even the hacked websites can be repaired, and the malware can be removed to fix and protect the infected websites. Moreover, the website is protected from any possible threats from hackers and cyber threats.